Myanmar Muslim ACTIVISTS need to promote POLITICAL ISLAM

My original AIM and OBJECTIVE as a Myanmar Muslim ACTIVIST is to promote POLITICAL ISLAM.

We should practice POLITICAL ISLAM only but not the religious rights and practices which may vary according to our different sects.

I wish to request my fellow Muslims of Myanmar that we all should be united as Sociopolitical loose group and should not bring in or confuse the religious activities, which must be practice as our personal affairs. Religious Practice should be done PRIVATELY in their homes and respective Masjids of our choices with our friends from our own sects.

We need to AGREE to disagree in Intra-Islamic affairs.” We need to deal together, join our hands in defending Muslims when we face the onslaught of the non-Muslims and Gov assault. I am not advocating fighting with non-Muslims and government but advocating staying together or coexistence with mutual respect in peace.

I have published my view of POLITICAL ISLAM which was formed after speeches of Tariq Ramadan’s teachings and some famous advanced scholars in Malaysia.

Please kindly allow me to request my Muslim friends to read, listen and if possible translate his teachings into Burmese so that all the Muslims of Myanmar could have an advanced view of POLITICAL ISLAM which had shaped the landscape of middle east with the Arab Spring.

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